Friday, April 18, 2008


(1)Whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is on the earth glorifies Allâh. And He is the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.

(2)He it is Who drove out the disbelievers among the people of the Scripture (i.e. the Jews of the tribe of Banî An-Nadîr) from their homes at the first gathering. You did not think that they would get out. And they thought that their fortresses would defend them from Allâh! But Allâh's (Torment) reached them from a place whereof they expected it not, and He cast terror into their hearts, so that they destroyed their own dwellings with their own hands and the hands of the believers. Then take admonition, O you with eyes (to see).

(3)And had it not been that Allâh had decreed exile for them, He would certainly have punished them in this world, and in the Hereafter theirs shall be the torment of the Fire.

(4)That is because they opposed Allâh and His Messenger (Muhammad SAW). And whosoever opposes Allâh, then verily, Allâh is Severe in punishment.

(5)What you (O Muslims) cut down of the palm-trees (of the enemy), or you left them standing on their stems, it was by Leave of Allâh, and in order that He might disgrace the Fâsiqûn (rebellious, disobedient to Allâh).

(6)And what Allâh gave as booty (Fai') to His Messenger (Muhammad SAW) from them, for which you made no expedition with either cavalry or camelry. But Allâh gives power to His Messengers over whomsoever He wills. And Allâh is Able to do all things.

(7)What Allâh gave as booty (Fai') to His Messenger (Muhammad SAW) from the people of the townships, - it is for Allâh, His Messenger (Muhammad SAW), the kindred (of Messenger Muhammad SAW), the orphans, AlMasâkin (the poor), and the wayfarer, in order that it may not become a fortune used by the rich among you. And whatsoever the Messenger (Muhammad SAW) gives you, take it, and whatsoever he forbids you, abstain (from it)[] , and fear Allâh. Verily, Allâh is Severe in punishment.

(8)(And there is also a share in this booty) for the poor emigrants, who were expelled from their homes and their property, seeking Bounties from Allâh and to please Him. And helping Allâh (i.e. helping His religion) and His Messenger (Muhammad SAW). Such are indeed the truthful (to what they say);-

(9)And those who, before them, had homes (in Al-Madinah) and had adopted the Faith, love those who emigrate to them, and have no jealousy in their breasts for that which they have been given (from the booty of Banî An-Nadîr), and give them (emigrants) preference over themselves, even though they were in need of that. And whosoever is saved from his own covetousness, such are they who will be the successful.

(10)And those who came after them say: "Our Lord! Forgive us and our brethren who have preceded us in Faith, and put not in our hearts any hatred against those who have believed. Our Lord! You are indeed full of kindness, Most Merciful.

(11)Have you (O Muhammad SAW) not observed the hypocrites who say to their friends among the people of the Scripture who disbelieve: "(By Allâh) If you are expelled, we (too) indeed will go out with you, and we shall never obey any one against you, and if you are attacked (in fight), we shall indeed help you." But Allâh is Witness, that they verily, are liars.

(12)Surely, if they (the Jews) are expelled, never will they (hypocrites) go out with them, and if they are attacked, they will never help them. And if they do help them, they (hypocrites) will turn their backs, so they will not be victorious.

(13)Verily, you (believers in the Oneness of Allâh - Islâmic Monotheism) are more awful as a fear in their (Jews of Banî An-Nadîr) breasts than Allâh. That is because they are a people who comprehend not (the Majesty and Power of Allâh).

(14)They fight not against you even together, except in fortified townships, or from behind walls. Their enmity among themselves is very great. You would think they were united, but their hearts are divided, that is because they are a people who understand not.

(15)They are like their immediate predecessors (the Jews of Banî Qainûqâ', who suffered), they tasted the evil result of their conduct, and (in the Hereafter, there is) for them a painful torment;-

(16)(Their allies deceived them) like Shaitân (Satan), when he says to man: "Disbelieve in Allâh." But when (man) disbelieves in Allâh, Shaitân (Satan) says: "I am free of you, I fear Allâh, the Lord of the 'Alamîn (mankind, jinns and all that exists)!"

(17)So the end of both will be that they will be in the Fire, abiding therein. Such is the recompense of the Zâlimûn (i.e. polytheists, wrong-doers, disbelievers in Allâh and in His Oneness, etc.).

(18)O you who believe! Fear Allâh and keep your duty to Him. And let every person look to what he has sent forth for the morrow, and fear Allâh. Verily, Allâh is All-Aware of what you do[] .

(19)And be not like those who forgot Allâh (i.e. became disobedient to Allâh) and He caused them to forget their ownselves, (let them to forget to do righteous deeds). Those are the Fâsiqûn (rebellious, disobedient to Allâh).

(20)Not equal are the dwellers of the Fire and the dwellers of the Paradise. It is the dwellers of Paradise that will be successful.

(21)Had We sent down this Qur'ân on a mountain, you would surely have seen it humbling itself and rending asunder by the fear of Allâh. Such are the parables which We put forward to mankind that they may reflect[] .

(22)He is Allâh, than Whom there is Lâ ilâha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He) the All-Knower of the unseen and the seen (open). He is the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.

(23)He is Allâh than Whom there is Lâ ilâha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He) the King, the Holy, the One Free from all defects, the Giver of security, the Watcher over His creatures, the All-Mighty, the Compeller, the Supreme. Glory be to Allâh! (High is He) above all that they associate as partners with Him.

(24)He is Allâh, the Creator, the Inventor of all things, the Bestower of forms. To Him belong the Best Names[] . All that is in the heavens and the earth glorify Him. And He is the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.

Sunday, April 13, 2008



(2)The revelation of the Book (this Qur'ân) is from Allâh, the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.

(3)We created not the heavens and the earth and all that is between them except with truth, and for an appointed term. But those who disbelieve turn away from that whereof they are warned.

(4)Say (O Muhammad SAW to these pagans): "Think! All that you invoke besides Allâh show me! What have they created of the earth? Or have they a share in (the creation of) the heavens? Bring me a Book (revealed before this), or some trace of knowledge (in support of your claims), if you are truthful!"

(5)And who is more astray than one who calls (invokes) besides Allâh, such as will not answer him till the Day of Resurrection, and who are (even) unaware of their calls (invocations) to them?[]

(6)And when mankind are gathered (on the Day of Resurrection), they (false deities) will become enemies for them and will deny their worshipping.

(7)And when Our Clear Verses are recited to them, the disbelievers say of the truth (this Qur'ân), when it reaches them: "This is plain magic!"

(8)Or say they: "He (Muhammad SAW) has fabricated it." Say: "If I have fabricated it, still you have no power to support me against Allâh. He knows best of what you say among yourselves concerning it (i.e. this Qur'ân)! Sufficient is He for a witness between me and you! And He is the Oft-Forgiving, the Most Merciful."

(9)Say (O Muhammad SAW):"I am not a new thing among the Messengers (of Allâh) (i.e. I am not the first Messenger) nor do I know what will be done with me or with you. I only follow that which is revealed to me, and I am but a plain warner."

(10)Say: "Tell me! If this (Qur'ân) is from Allâh, and you deny it, and a witness from among the Children of Israel ('Abdullâh bin Salâm ÑÖì <> <>) testifies that this Qur'ân is from Allâh [like the Taurât (Torah)], so he believed (embraced Islâm)[] while you are too proud (to believe)." Verily! Allâh guides not the people who are Zâlimûn (polytheists, disbelievers and wrong-doing).

(11)And those who disbelieve (strong and wealthy) say of those who believe (weak and poor): "Had it (Islâmic Monotheism to which Muhammad SAW is inviting mankind) been a good thing, they (weak and poor) would not have preceded us thereto!" And when they have not let themselves be guided by it (this Qur'ân), they say: "This is an ancient lie!"

(12)And before this was the Scripture of Mûsa (Moses) as a guide and a mercy. And this is a confirming Book (the Qur'ân) in the Arabic language, to warn those who do wrong, and as glad tidings to the Muhsinûn (good-doers - see V.2:112).

(13)Verily, those who say: "Our Lord is (only) Allâh," and thereafter Istaqâmû (i.e. stood firm and straight on the Islâmic Faith of Monotheism by abstaining from all kinds of sins and evil deeds which Allâh has forbidden and by performing all kinds of good deeds which He has ordained), on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.

(14)Such shall be the dwellers of Paradise, abiding therein (forever), a reward for what they used to do.

(15)And We have enjoined on man to be dutiful and kind to his parents. His mother bears him with hardship and she brings him forth with hardship, and the bearing of him, and the weaning of him is thirty (30) months, till when he attains full strength and reaches forty years, he says: "My Lord! Grant me the power and ability that I may be grateful for Your Favour which You have bestowed upon me and upon my parents, and that I may do righteous good deeds, such as please You, and make my off-spring good. Truly, I have turned to You in repentance, and truly, I am one of the Muslims (submitting to Your Will)."

(16)They are those from whom We shall accept the best of their deeds and overlook their evil deeds. (They shall be) among the dwellers of Paradise, a promise of truth, which they have been promised.

(17)But he who says to his parents: "Fie upon you both! Do you hold out the promise to me that I shall be raised up (again) when generations before me have passed away (without rising)?" While they (father and mother) invoke Allâh for help (and rebuke their son): "Woe to you! Believe! Verily, the Promise of Allâh is true." But he says: "This is nothing but the tales of the ancient."

(18)They are those against whom the Word (of torment) is justified among the previous generations of jinns and mankind that have passed away. Verily! They are ever the losers.

(19)And for all, there will be degrees according to that which they did, that He (Allâh) may recompense them in full for their deeds. And they will not be wronged.

(20)On the Day when those who disbelieve (in the Oneness of Allâh Islâmic Monotheism) will be exposed to the Fire (it will be said): "You received your good things in the life of the world, and you took your pleasure therein. Now this Day you shall be recompensed with a torment of humiliation, because you were arrogant in the land without a right, and because you used to rebel and disobey (Allâh).

(21)And remember (Hûd) the brother of 'Ad, when he warned his people in Al-Ahqâf (the curved sand-hills in the southern part of Arabian Peninsula). And surely, there have passed away warners before him and after him (saying): "Worship none but Allâh; truly, I fear for you the torment of a mighty Day."

(22)They said: "Have you come to turn us away from our âliha (gods)? Then bring us that with which you threaten us, if you are one of the truthful!"

(23)He said: "The knowledge (of the time of its coming) is with Allâh only, and I convey to you that wherewith I have been sent, but I see that you are a people given to ignorance!"

(24)Then, when they saw it as a dense cloud coming towards their valleys, they said: "This is a cloud bringing us rain!" Nay, but it is that (torment) which you were asking to be hastened! a wind wherein is a painful torment!

(25)Destroying everything by the Command of its Lord! So they became such that nothing could be seen except their dwellings! Thus do We recompense the people who are Mujrimûn (polytheists, disbelievers, sinners, etc.)!

(26)And indeed We had firmly established them with that wherewith We have not established you (O Quraish)! And We had assigned them the (faculties of) hearing (ears), seeing (eyes), and hearts, but their hearing (ears), seeing (eyes), and their hearts availed them nothing since they used to deny the Ayât (Allâh's Prophets and their Prophethood, proofs, evidences, verses, signs, revelations, etc.) of Allâh, and they were completely encircled by that which they used to mock at!

(27)And indeed We have destroyed towns (populations) round about you, and We have (repeatedly) shown (them) the Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) in various ways that they might return (to the truth and believe in the Oneness of Allâh - Islâmic Monotheism).

(28)Then why did those whom they had taken for âliha (gods) besides Allâh, as a way of approach (to Allâh) not help them? Nay, but they vanished completely from them (when there came the torment). And that was their lie, and their inventions which they had been inventing (before their destruction).

(29)And (remember) when We sent towards you (Muhammad SAW) Nafran (three to ten persons) of the jinns, (quietly) listening to the Qur'ân, when they stood in the presence thereof, they said: "Listen in silence!" And when it was finished, they returned to their people, as warners.

(30)They said: "O our people! Verily! We have heard a Book (this Qur'ân) sent down after Mûsa (Moses), confirming what came before it, it guides to the truth and to a Straight Path (i.e. Islâm).

(31)O our people! Respond (with obedience) to Allâh's Caller (i.e. Allâh's Messenger Muhammad SAW), and believe in him (i.e. believe in that which Muhammad SAW has brought from Allâh and follow him). He (Allâh) will forgive you of your sins, and will save you from a painful torment (i.e. Hell-fire)[] .

(32)And whosoever does not respond to Allâh's Caller, he cannot escape on earth, and there will be no Auliyâ' (protectors) for him besides Allâh (from Allâh's Punishment). Those are in manifest error.

(33)Do they not see that Allâh, Who created the heavens and the earth, and was not wearied by their creation, is Able to give life to the dead? Yes, He surely is Able to do all things.

(34)And on the Day when those who disbelieve will be exposed to the Fire (it will be said to them): "Is this not the truth?" They will say: "Yes, By our Lord!" He will say: "Then taste the torment, because you used to disbelieve!"

(35)Therefore be patient (O Muhammad SAW) as did the Messengers of strong will[] and be in no haste about them (disbelievers). On the Day when they will see that (torment) with which they are promised (i.e. threatened, it will be) as if they had not stayed more than an hour in a single day. (O mankind! This Qur'ân is sufficient as) a clear Message (or proclamation to save yourself from destruction). But shall any be destroyed except the people who are Al-Fâsiqûn (the rebellious, disobedient to Allâh).

Saturday, April 12, 2008



(2)The revelation of the Book (this Qur'ân) is from Allâh, the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.

(3)Verily, in the heavens and the earth are signs for the believers.

(4)And in your creation, and what He scattered (through the earth) of moving (living) creatures are signs for people who have Faith with certainty.

(5)And in the alternation of night and day, and the provision (rain) that Allâh sends down from the sky, and revives therewith the earth after its death, and in the turning about of the winds (i.e. sometimes towards the east or north, and sometimes towards the south or west etc., sometimes bringing glad tidings of rain etc., and sometimes bringing the torment), are signs for a people who understand.

(6)These are the Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, revelations, etc.) of Allâh, which We recite to you (O Muhammad SAW) with truth. Then in which speech after Allâh and His Ayât will they believe?

(7)Woe to every sinful liar,

(8)Who hears the Verses of Allâh (being) recited to him, yet persists with pride as if he heard them not. So announce to him a painful torment!

(9)And when he learns something of Our Verses (this Qur'ân), he makes them a jest. For such there will be a humiliating torment.

(10)In front of them there is Hell, and that which they have earned will be of no profit to them, nor (will be of any profit to them) those whom they have taken as Auliyâ' (protectors, helpers, etc.) besides Allâh. And theirs will be a great torment.

(11)This (Qur'ân) is a guidance. And those who disbelieve in the Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) of their Lord, for them there is a painful torment of Rijz (a severe kind of punishment).

(12)Allâh it is He Who has subjected to you the sea, that ships may sail through it by His Command, and that you may seek of His Bounty, and that you may be thankful,

(13)And has subjected to you all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth; it is all as a favour and kindness from Him. Verily, in it are signs for a people who think deeply.

(14)Say (O Muhammad SAW) to the believers to forgive those who (harm them and) hope not for the Days of Allâh (i.e. His Recompense), that He may recompense people according to what they have earned (i.e. to punish these disbelievers, who harm the believers).[]

(15)Whosoever does a good deed, it is for his ownself, and whosoever does evil, it is against (his ownself). Then to your Lord you will be made to return.

(16)And indeed We gave the Children of Israel the Scripture, and the understanding of the Scripture and its laws, and the Prophethood; and provided them with good things, and preferred them above the 'Alamîn (mankind and jinns) (of their time, during that period),

(17)And gave them clear proofs in matters [by revealing to them the Taurât (Torah)]. And they differed not until after the knowledge came to them, through envy among themselves. Verily, Your Lord will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection about that wherein they used to differ.

(18)Then We have put you (O Muhammad SAW) on a plain way of (Our) commandment [like the one which We commanded Our Messengers before you (i.e. legal ways and laws of the Islâmic Monotheism)]. So follow you that (Islâmic Monotheism and its laws), and follow not the desires of those who know not. [Tafsir At-Tabarî Vol. 25, Page 146].

(19)Verily, they can avail you nothing against Allâh (if He wants to punish you). Verily, the Zâlimûn (polytheists, wrong-doers, etc.) are Auliyâ' (protectors, helpers, etc.) to one another, but Allâh is the Walî (Helper, Protector, etc.) of the Muttaqûn (pious - see V.2:2).

(20)This (Qur'ân) is a clear insight and evidence for mankind, and a guidance and a mercy for people who have Faith with certainty[] .

(21)Or do those who earn evil deeds think that We shall hold them equal with those who believe (in the Oneness of Allâh Islâmic Monotheism) and do righteous good deeds, in their present life and after their death? Worst is the judgement that they make.

(22)And Allâh has created the heavens and the earth with truth, in order that each person may be recompensed what he has earned, and they will not be wronged[] .

(23)Have you seen him who takes his own lust (vain desires) as his ilâh (god), and Allâh knowing (him as such), left him astray, and sealed his hearing and his heart, and put a cover on his sight. Who then will guide him after Allâh? Will you not then remember?

(24)And they say: "There is nothing but our life of this world, we die and we live and nothing destroys us except Ad-Dahr (the time)[]. And they have no knowledge of it, they only conjecture.

(25)And when Our Clear Verses are recited to them, their argument is no other than that they say: "Bring back our (dead) fathers, if you are truthful!"

(26)Say (to them): "Allâh gives you life, then causes you to die, then He will assemble you on the Day of Resurrection about which there is no doubt. But most of mankind know not."

(27)And to Allâh belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. And on the Day that the Hour will be established, on that Day the followers of falsehood (polytheists, disbelievers, worshippers of false deities, etc.) shall lose (everything).

(28)And you will see each nation humbled to their knees (kneeling), each nation will be called to its Record (of deeds). This Day you shall be recompensed for what you used to do.

(29)This Our Record speaks about you with truth. Verily, We were recording what you used to do (i.e. Our angels used to record your deeds).

(30)Then, as for those who believed (in the Oneness of Allâh Islâmic Monotheism) and did righteous good deeds, their Lord will admit them to His Mercy. That will be the evident success.

(31)But as for those who disbelieved (it will be said to them): "Were not Our Verses recited to you? But you were proud, and you were a people who were Mujrimûn (polytheists, disbelievers, sinners, criminals)."

(32)And when it was said: "Verily! Allâh's Promise is the truth, and there is no doubt about the coming of the Hour," you said; "We know not what is the Hour, we do not think it but as a conjecture, and we have no firm convincing belief (therein)."

(33)And the evil of what they did will appear to them, and they will be completely encircled by that which they used to mock at!

(34)And it will be said: "This Day We will forget you as you forgot the Meeting of this Day of yours. And your abode is the Fire, and there is none to help you."

(35)This, because you took the revelations of Allâh (this Qur'ân) in mockery, and the life of the world deceived you. So this Day, they shall not be taken out from there (Hell)[], nor shall they be Yustâ'tabûn (i.e. they shall not return to the worldly life, so that they repent to Allâh, and beg His Pardon for their sins).

(36)So all the praises and thanks are to Allâh, the Lord of the heavens and the Lord of the earth, and the Lord of the 'Alamîn (mankind, jinns and all that exists).

(37)And His (Alone) is the Majesty in the heavens and the earth, and He is the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.

Friday, April 11, 2008


(-1)In the Name of Allâh, the MostBeneficent, the Most Merciful


(2)By the manifest Book (this Qur'ân) that makes things clear,

(3)We sent it (this Qur'ân) down on a blessed night [(i.e. night of Qadr, Sûrah No: 97) in the month of Ramadân,, the 9th month of the Islâmic calendar]. Verily, We are ever warning [mankind that Our Torment will reach those who disbelieve in Our Oneness of Lordship and in Our Oneness of worship].

(4)Therein (that night) is decreed every matter of ordainments[] .

(5)Amran (i.e. a Command or this Qur'an or the Decree of every matter) from Us. Verily, We are ever sending (the Messengers),

(6)(As) a Mercy from your Lord. Verily! He is the All-Hearer, the All-Knower.

(7)The Lord of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them, if you (but) have a faith with certainty.

(8)Lâ ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He). It is He Who gives life and causes death, your Lord and the Lord of your fore-fathers.

(9)Nay! They play in doubt.

(10)Then wait you for the Day when the sky will bring forth a visible smoke.

(11)Covering the people, this is a painful torment.

(12)(They will say): "Our Lord! Remove the torment from us, really we shall become believers!"

(13)How can there be for them an admonition (at the time when the torment has reached them), when a Messenger explaining things clearly has already come to them.

(14)Then they had turned away from him (Messenger Muhammad SAW) and said: "One (Muhammad SAW) taught (by a human being), a madman!"

(15)Verily, We shall remove the torment for a while. Verily! You will revert.

(16)On the Day when We shall seize you with the greatest grasp. Verily, We will exact retribution.

(17)And indeed We tried before them Fir'aun's (Pharaoh) people, when there came to them a noble Messenger [i.e. Mûsa (Moses) <><>],

(18)Saying: "Restore to me the slaves of Allâh (i.e. the Children of Israel). Verily! I am to you a Messenger worthy of all trust,

(19)"And exalt not (yourselves) against Allâh. Truly, I have come to you with a manifest authority.

(20)"And truly, I seek refuge in my Lord and your Lord, lest you stone me (or call me a sorcerer or kill me).

(21)"But if you believe me not, then keep away from me and leave me alone."

(22)(But they were aggressive), so he [Mûsa (Moses)] called upon his Lord (saying): "These are indeed the people who are Mujrimûn (disbelievers, polytheists, sinners, criminals, etc.)."

(23)(Allâh said): "Depart you with My slaves by night. Surely, you will be pursued.

(24)"And leave the sea as it is (quiet and divided). Verily, They are a host to be drowned."

(25)How many of gardens and springs do they [Fir'aun's (Pharaoh) people] left.

(26)And green crops (fields etc.) and goodly places,

(27)And comforts of life wherein they used to take delight!

(28)Thus (it was)! And We made other people inherit them (i.e. We made the Children of Israel to inherit the kingdom of Egypt).

(29)And the heavens and the earth wept not for them[] , nor were they given a respite.

(30)And indeed We saved the Children of Israel from the humiliating torment,

(31)From Fir'aun (Pharaoh); Verily! He was arrogant and was of the Musrifûn (those who transgress beyond bound in spending and other things and commit great sins).

(32)And We chose them (the Children of Israel) above the 'Alamîn (mankind, and jinns) [during the time of Mûsa (Moses)] with knowledge,

(33)And granted them signs in which there was a plain trial.

(34)Verily, these (Quraish) people are saying:

(35)"There is nothing but our first death, and we shall not be resurrected.

(36)"Then bring back our fore-fathers, if you speak the truth!"

(37)Are they better or the people of Tubba' and those before them? We destroyed them because they were indeed Mujrimûn (disbelievers, polytheists, sinners, criminals, etc.).

(38)And We created not the heavens and the earth, and all that is between them, for mere play,

(39)We created them not except with truth (i.e. to examine and test those who are obedient and those who are disobedient and then reward the obedient ones and punish the disobedient ones), but most of them know not.

(40)Verily, the Day of Judgement (when Allâh will judge between the creatures) is the time appointed for all of them,

(41)The Day when Maulan (a near relative) cannot avail Maulan (a near relative) in aught, and no help can they receive,

(42)Except him on whom Allâh has Mercy. Verily, He is the All-Mighty, the Most Merciful.

(43)Verily, the tree of Zaqqûm,

(44)Will be the food of the sinners,

(45)Like boiling oil, it will boil in the bellies,

(46)Like the boiling of scalding water.

(47)(It will be said) "Seize him and drag him into the midst of blazing Fire,

(48)"Then pour over his head the torment of boiling water,

(49)"Taste you (this)! Verily, you were (pretending to be) the mighty, the generous!

(50)"Verily! This is that whereof you used to doubt!"

(51)Verily! The Muttaqûn (pious - see V.2:2), will be in place of Security (Paradise).

(52)Among Gardens and Springs;

(53)Dressed in fine silk and (also) in thick silk, facing each other,

(54)So (it will be), and We shall marry them to Houris[] (female fair ones) with wide, lovely eyes.

(55)They will call therein for every kind of fruit in peace and security;

(56)They will never taste death therein except the first death (of this world), and He will save them from the torment of the blazing Fire,

(57)As a Bounty from your Lord! That will be the supreme success!

(58)Certainly, We have made this (Qur'ân) easy in your tongue, in order that they may remember.

(59)Wait then (O Muhammad SAW); Verily, they (too) are waiting.

Thursday, April 10, 2008



(2)By the manifest Book (that makes things clear, i.e. this Qur'ân).

(3)We verily, have made it a Qur'ân in Arabic, that you may be able to understand (its meanings and its admonitions).

(4)And Verily, it (this Qur'ân) is in the Mother of the Book (i.e. Al-Lauh Al-Mahfûz), before Us, indeed Exalted, full of Wisdom.

(5)Shall We then (warn you not and) take away the Reminder (this Qur'ân) from you, because you are a people Musrifûn.[]

(6)And how many a Prophet have We sent amongst the men of old.

(7)And never came there a Prophet to them but they used to mock at him.

(8)Then We destroyed men stronger (in power) than these, and the example of the ancients has passed away (before them).

(9)And indeed if you ask them, "Who has created the heavens and the earth?" They will surely say: "The All-Mighty, the All-Knower created them."

(10)Who has made for you the earth like a bed, and has made for you roads therein, in order that you may find your way,

(11)And Who sends down water (rain) from the sky in due measure. Then We revive a dead land therewith, and even so you will be brought forth (from the dead),

(12)And Who has created all the pairs and has appointed for you ships and cattle on which you ride,

(13)In order that you may mount firmly on their backs, and then may remember the Favour of your Lord when you mount thereon, and say: "Glory to Him who has subjected this to us, and we could never have it (by our efforts)."

(14)And verily, to Our Lord we indeed are to return!

(15)Yet they assign to some of His slaves a share with Him (by pretending that He has children, and considering them as equals or co-partners in worship with Him). Verily, man is indeed a manifest ingrate!

(16)Or has He taken daughters out of what He has created, and He has selected for you sons?

(17)And if one of them is informed of the news of (the birth of) that which he set forth as a parable to the Most Beneficent (Allâh) (i.e. of a girl), his face becomes dark, gloomy, and he is filled with grief!

(18)(Do they then like for Allâh) a creature who is brought up in adornments (wearing silk and gold ornaments, i.e. women), and in dispute cannot make herself clear?

(19)And they make the angels who themselves are slaves to the Most Beneficent (Allâh) females. Did they witness their creation? Their evidence will be recorded, and they will be questioned!

(20)And they said: "If it had been the Will of the Most Beneficent (Allâh), we should not have worshipped them (false deities)." They have no knowledge whatsoever of that. They do nothing but lie!

(21)Or have We given them any Book before this (the Qur'ân), to which they are holding fast?

(22)Nay! They say: "We found our fathers following a certain way and religion, and we guide ourselves by their footsteps."

(23)And similarly, We sent not a warner before you (O Muhammad SAW) to any town (people) but the luxurious ones among them said: "We found our fathers following a certain way and religion, and we will indeed follow their footsteps."

(24)(The warner) said: "Even if I bring you better guidance than that which you found your fathers following?" They said: "Verily, We disbelieve in that with which you have been sent."

(25)So We took revenge of them, then see what was the end of those who denied (Islâmic Monotheism).

(26)And (remember) when Ibrahîm (Abraham) said to his father and his people: "Verily, I am innocent of what you worship,

(27)"Except Him (i.e. I worship none but Allâh Alone) Who did create me, and verily, He will guide me."

(28)And he made it [i.e. Lâ ilâha ill-Allâh (none has the right to be worshipped but Allâh Alone)] a Word lasting among his offspring (True Monotheism), that they may turn back (i.e. to repent to Allâh or receive admonition).

(29)Nay, but I gave (the good things of this life) to these (polytheists) and their fathers to enjoy, till there came to them the truth (the Qur'ân), and a Messenger (Muhammad SAW) making things clear.

(30)And when the truth (this Qur'ân) came to them, they (the disbelievers in this Qur'ân) said: "This is magic, and we disbelieve therein."

(31)And they say: "Why is not this Qur'ân sent down to some great man of the two towns (Makkah and Tâ'if)?"

(32)Is it they who would portion out the Mercy of your Lord? It is We Who portion out between them their livelihood in this world, and We raised some of them above others in ranks, so that some may employ others in their work. But the Mercy (Paradise) of your Lord (O Muhammad SAW) is better than the (wealth of this world) which they amass.

(33)And were it not that all mankind would have become of one community (all disbelievers, desiring worldly life only), We would have provided for those who disbelieve in the Most Beneficent (Allâh), silver roofs for their houses, and elevators (and stair-ways, etc. of silver) whereby they ascend,

(34)And for their houses, doors (of silver), and thrones (of silver) on which they could recline,

(35)And adornments of gold. Yet all this (i.e. the roofs, doors, stairs, elevators, thrones etc. of their houses) would have been nothing but an enjoyment of this world. And the Hereafter with your Lord is only for the Muttaqûn[].

(36)And whosoever turns away (blinds himself) from the remembrance of the Most Beneficent (Allâh) (i.e. this Qur'ân and worship of Allâh), We appoint for him Shaitân (Satan devil) to be a Qarîn (an intimate companion) to him.

(37)And verily, they (Satans / devils) hinder them from the Path (of Allâh), but they think that they are guided aright!

(38)Till, when (such a one) comes to Us, he says [to his Qarîn (Satan / devil companion)] "Would that between me and you were the distance of the two easts (or the east and west)" a worst (type of) companion (indeed)!

(39)It will profit you not this Day (O you who turn away from Allâh's remembrance and His worship, etc.) as you did wrong, (and) that you will be sharers (you and your Qarîn) in the punishment.

(40)Can you (O Muhammad SAW) make the deaf to hear, or can you guide the blind or him who is in manifest error?

(41)And even if We take you (O Muhammad SAW) away, We shall indeed take vengeance on them.

(42)Or (if) We show you that wherewith We threaten them, then verily, We have perfect command over them.

(43)So hold you (O Muhammad SAW) fast to that which is inspired in you. Verily, you are on a Straight Path.

(44)And verily, this (the Qur'ân) is indeed a Reminder for you (O Muhammad SAW) and your people (Quraish people, or your followers), and you will be questioned (about it).

(45)And ask (O Muhammad SAW) those of Our Messengers whom We sent before you: "Did We ever appoint âliha (gods) to be worshipped besides the Most Beneficent (Allâh)?"

(46)And indeed We did send Mûsa (Moses) with Our Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) to Fir'aun (Pharaoh) and his chiefs (inviting them to Allâh's Religion of Islâm) He said: "Verily, I am a Messenger of the Lord of the 'Alamîn (mankind, jinns and all that exists)."

(47)But when he came to them with Our Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) behold! They laughed at them.

(48)And not an Ayâh (sign, etc.) We showed them but it was greater than its fellow, and We seized them with torment, in order that they might turn [from their polytheism to Allâh's Religion (Islâmic Monotheism)].

(49)And they said [to Mûsa (Moses)]: "O you sorcerer! Invoke your Lord for us according to what He has covenanted with you. Verily, We shall guide ourselves (aright)."

(50)But when We removed the torment from them, behold! They broke their covenant (that they will believe if We remove the torment for them).

(51)And Fir'aun (Pharaoh) proclaimed among his people, saying: "O my people! Is not mine the dominion of Egypt, and these rivers flowing underneath me. See you not then?

(52)"Am I not better than this one [Mûsa (Moses)], who is Mahîn [has no honour nor any respect, and is weak and despicable] and can scarcely express himself clearly?

(53)"Why then are not golden bracelets bestowed on him, or angels sent along with him?"

(54)Thus he [Fir'aun (Pharaoh)] befooled and misled his people, and they obeyed him. Verily, they were ever a people who were Fâsiqûn (rebellious, disobedient to Allâh).

(55)So when they angered Us, We punished them, and drowned them all.

(56)And We made them a precedent (as a lesson for those coming after them), and an example to later generations.

(57)And when the son of Maryam (Mary) is quoted as an example [i.e. 'Iesa (Jesus) is worshipped like their idols), behold! Your people cry aloud (laugh out at the example).

(58)And say: "Are our âliha (gods) better or is he ['Iesa (Jesus)]?" They quoted not the above example except for argument. Nay! But they are a quarrelsome people. [(See VV. 21:97-101) - The Qur'ân.]

(59)He ['Iesa (Jesus)] was not more than a slave. We granted Our Favour to him, and We made him an example to the Children of Israel (i.e. his creation without a father).

(60)And if it were Our Will, We would have [destroyed you (mankind) all, and] made angels to replace you on the earth. [Tafsir At-Tabarî, Vol:25, Page 89].

(61)And he ['Iesa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary)] shall be a known sign for (the coming of) the Hour (Day of Resurrection) [i.e. 'Iesa's (Jesus) descent on the earth][] . Therefore have no doubt concerning it (i.e. the Day of Resurrection). And follow Me (Allâh) (i.e. be obedient to Allâh and do what He orders you to do, O mankind)! This is the Straight Path (of Islâmic Monotheism, leading to Allâh and to His Paradise).

(62)And let not Shaitân (Satan) hinder you (from the right religion, i.e. Islâmic Monotheism), Verily, he (Satan) to you is a plain enemy.

(63)And when 'Iesa (Jesus) came with (Our) clear Proofs, he said: "I have come to you with Al-Hikmah (Prophethood), and in order to make clear to you some of the (points) in which you differ, therefore fear Allâh and obey me,

(64)"Verily, Allâh! He is my Lord (God) and your Lord (God). So worship Him (Alone). This is the (only) Straight Path (i.e. Allâh's religion of true Islâmic Monotheism)."

(65)But the sects from among themselves differed. So woe to those who do wrong (by ascribing things to 'Iesa (Jesus) that are not true) from the torment of a painful Day (i.e. the Day of Resurrection)!

(66)Do they only wait for the Hour that it shall come upon them suddenly, while they perceive not?

(67)Friends on that Day will be foes one to another except Al-Muttaqûn (pious - see V.2:2).

(68)(It will be said to the true believers of Islâmic Monotheism): My worshippers! No fear shall be on you this Day, nor shall you grieve,

(69)(You) who believed in Our Ayât (proofs, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) and were Muslims (i.e. who submit totally to Allâh's Will, and believe in the Oneness of Allâh - Islâmic Monotheism).

(70)Enter Paradise, you and your wives, in happiness.

(71)Trays of gold and cups will be passed round them, (there will be) therein all that the one's inner-selves could desire, all that the eyes could delight in, and you will abide therein forever.

(72)This is the Paradise which you have been made to inherit because of your deeds which you used to do (in the life of the world).

(73)Therein for you will be fruits in plenty, of which you will eat (as you desire).

(74)Verily, the Mujrimûn (criminals, sinners, disbelievers, etc.) will be in the torment of Hell to abide therein forever.

(75)(The torment) will not be lightened for them, and they will be plunged into destruction with deep regrets, sorrows and in despair therein.

(76)We wronged them not, but they were the Zâlimûn (polytheists, wrong-doers, etc.).

(77)And they will cry: "O Malik (Keeper of Hell)! Let your Lord make an end of us." He will say: "Verily you shall abide forever."

(78)Indeed We have brought the truth (Muhammad SAW with the Qur'ân), to you, but most of you have a hatred for the truth.[]

(79)Or have they plotted some plan? Then We too are planning.

(80)Or do they think that We hear not their secrets and their private counsel? (Yes We do) and Our Messengers (appointed angels in charge of mankind) are by them, to record.

(81)Say (O Muhammad SAW): "If the Most Beneficent (Allâh) had a son (or children as you pretend), then I am the first of Allâh's worshippers [who deny and refute this claim of yours (and the first to believe in Allâh Alone and testify that He has no children)]." [Tafsir At-Tabarî].

(82)Glorified be the Lord of the heavens and the earth, the Lord of the Throne! Exalted be He from all that they ascribe (to Him).

(83)So leave them (alone) to speak nonsense and play until they meet the Day of theirs, which they have been promised.

(84)It is He (Allâh) Who is the only Ilâh (God to be worshipped) in the heaven and the only Ilâh (God to be worshipped) on the earth. And He is the All-Wise, the All-Knower.

(85)And blessed be He to Whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and all that is between them, and with Whom is the knowledge of the Hour, and to Whom you (all) will be returned.

(86)And those whom they invoke instead of Him have no power of intercession; except those who bear witness to the truth (i.e. believed in the Oneness of Allâh, and obeyed His Orders), and they know (the facts about the Oneness of Allâh)[] .

(87)And if you ask them who created them, they will surely say: "Allâh". How then are they turned away (from the worship of Allâh, Who created them)?

(88)(Allâh has knowledge) of (Prophet Muhammad's) saying: "O my Lord! Verily, these are a people who believe not!"

(89)So turn away from them (O Muhammad SAW), and say: Salâm (peace)! But they will come to know.[]

Wednesday, April 9, 2008




(3)Likewise Allâh, the All-Mighty, the All-Wise inspires you (O Muhammad SAW) as (He inspired) those before you.[]

(4)To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth, and He is the Most High, the Most Great.

(5)Nearly the heavens might rent asunder from above them (by His Majesty), and the angels glorify the praises of their Lord, and ask for forgiveness for those on the earth, verily, Allâh is the Oft-Forgiving, the Most Merciful.

(6)And as for those who take as Auliyâ' (guardians, supporters, helpers, protectors, etc.) others besides Him [i.e. they take false deities other than Allâh (as) protectors, and they worship them] Allâh is Hafîz (Protector) over them (i.e. takes care of their deeds and will recompense them), and you (O Muhammad SAW) are not a Wakîl (guardian or a disposer of their affairs) over them (to protect their deeds, etc.).

(7)And thus We have inspired unto you (O Muhammad SAW) a Qur'ân (in Arabic) that you may warn the Mother of the Towns (Makkah) and all around it. And warn of the Day of Assembling, of which there is no doubt, when a party will be in Paradise (those who believed in Allâh and followed what Allâh's Messenger SAW brought them) and a party in the blazing Fire (Hell) (those who disbelieved in Allâh and followed not what Allâh's Messenger SAW brought them)[]

(8)And if Allâh had willed, He could have made them one nation, but He admits whom He wills to His Mercy. And the Zâlimûn (polytheists and wrong-doers, etc.) will have neither a Walî (protector) nor a helper.

(9)Or have they taken (for worship) Auliyâ' (guardians, supporters, helpers, protectors, etc.) besides Him? But Allâh, He Alone is the Walî (Protector, etc.). And it is He Who gives life to the dead, and He is Able to do all things.

(10)And in whatsoever you differ, the decision thereof is with Allâh (He is the ruling Judge). (And say O Muhammad SAW to these polytheists:) Such is Allâh, my Lord in Whom I put my trust, and to Him I turn in all of my affairs and in repentance.

(11)The Creator of the heavens and the earth. He has made for you mates from yourselves, and for the cattle (also) mates. By this means He creates you (in the wombs). There is nothing like unto Him, and He is the All-Hearer, the All-Seer.

(12)To Him belong the keys of the heavens and the earth, He enlarges provision for whom He wills, and straitens (it for whom He wills). Verily! He is the All-Knower of everything.

(13)He (Allâh) has ordained for you the same religion (Islâm) which He ordained for Nûh (Noah), and that which We have inspired in you (O Muhammad SAW), and that which We ordained for Ibrahîm (Abraham), Mûsa (Mosesý) and 'Iesa (Jesus) saying you should establish religion (i.e. to do what it orders you to do practically), and make no divisions[] in it (religion) (i.e. various sects in religion). Intolerable for the Mushrikûn[] , is that to which you (O Muhammad SAW) call them. Allâh chooses for Himself whom He wills, and guides unto Himself who turns to Him in repentance and in obedience.

(14)And they divided not till after knowledge had come to them, through selfish transgression between themselves. And had it not been for a Word that went forth before from your Lord for an appointed term, the matter would have been settled between them. And verily, those who were made to inherit the Scripture [i.e. the Taurâh (Torah) and the Injeel (Gospel)] after them (i.e. Jews and Christians) are in grave doubt concerning it (i.e. Allâh's true religion Islâm or the Qur'ân).

(15)So unto this (religion of Islâm, alone and this Qur'ân) then invite (people) (O Muhammad SAW), and Istaqim [(i.e. stand firm and straight on Islâmic Monotheism by performing all that is ordained by Allâh (good deeds, etc.), and by abstaining from all that is forbidden by Allâh (sins and evil deeds, etc.)], as you are commanded, and follow not their desires but say: "I believe in whatsoever Allâh has sent down of the Book [all the holy Books, this Qur'ân and the Books of the old from the Taurât (Torah), or the Injeel (Gospel) or the Pages of Ibrâhim (Abraham)] and I am commanded to do justice among you, Allâh is our Lord and your Lord. For us our deeds and for you your deeds. There is no dispute between us and you. Allâh will assemble us (all), and to Him is the final return.

(16)And those who dispute concerning Allâh (His Religion of Islâmic Monotheism, with which Muhammad SAW has been sent), after it has been accepted (by the people), of no use is their dispute before their Lord, and on them is wrath, and for them will be a severe torment[1] .

(17)It is Allâh Who has sent down the Book (the Qur'ân) in truth, and the Balance (i.e. to act justly). And what can make you know that perhaps the Hour is close at hand?

(18)Those who believe not therein seek to hasten it, while those who believe are fearful of it, and know that it is the very truth. Verily, those who dispute concerning the Hour are certainly in error far away.

(19)Allâh is very Gracious and Kind to His slaves. He gives provisions to whom He wills. And He is the All-Strong, the All-Mighty.

(20)Whosoever desires (with his deeds) the reward of the Hereafter, We give him increase in his reward, and whosoever desires the reward of this world (with his deeds), We give him thereof (what is written for him), and he has no portion in the Hereafter.

(21)Or have they partners with Allâh (false gods), who have instituted for them a religion which Allâh has not allowed. And had it not been for a decisive Word (gone forth already), the matter would have been judged between them. And verily, for the Zâlimûn (polytheists and wrong-doers), there is a painful torment.

(22)You will see (on the Day of Resurrection), the Zâlimûn (polytheists and wrong-doers, etc.) fearful of that which they have earned, and it (Allâh's Torment) will surely befall them, while those who believe (in the Oneness of Allâh Islâmic Monotheism) and do righteous deeds (will be) in the flowering meadows of the Gardens (Paradise), having what they wish from their Lord. That is the supreme Grace, (Paradise).

(23)That is (the Paradise) whereof Allâh gives glad tidings to His slaves who believe (in the Oneness of Allâh Islâmic Monotheism) and do righteous good deeds. Say (O Muhammad SAW): "No reward do I ask of you for this except to be kind to me for my kinship with you."[] And whoever earns a good righteous deed, We shall give him an increase of good in respect thereof. Verily, Allâh is Oft-Forgiving, Most Ready to appreciate (the deeds of those who are obedient to Him).

(24)Or say they: "He has invented a lie against Allâh?" If Allâh willed, He could have sealed your heart (so that you forget all that you know of the Qur'an). And Allâh wipes out falsehood, and establishes the truth (Islâm) by His Word (this Qur'an). Verily, He knows well what (the secrets) are in the breasts (of mankind).

(25)And He it is Who accepts repentance from His slaves, and forgives sins, and He knows what you do.[]

(26)And He answers (the invocation of) those who believe (in the Oneness of Allâh Islâmic Monotheism) and do righteous good deeds, and gives them increase of His Bounty. And as for the disbelievers, theirs will be a severe torment.

(27)And if Allâh were to enlarge the provision for His slaves, they would surely rebel in the earth, but He sends down by measure as He wills. Verily! He is in respect of His slaves, the Well-Aware, the All-Seer (of things that benefit them).

(28)And He it is Who sends down the rain after they have despaired, and spreads abroad His Mercy. And He is the Walî (Helper, Supporter, Protector, etc.), Worthy of all Praise.

(29)And among His Ayât (proofs, evidences, lessons, signs, etc.) is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and whatever moving (living) creatures He has dispersed in them both. And He is All-Potent over their assembling (i.e. resurrecting them on the Day of Resurrection after their death, and dispersion of their bodies) whenever He will.

(30)And whatever of misfortune befalls you, it is because of what your hands have earned. And He pardons much. (See the Qur'ân Verse 35:45).

(31)And you cannot escape from Allâh (i.e. His Punishment) in the earth, and besides Allâh you have neither any Walî (guardian or a protector) nor any helper.

(32)And among His Signs are the ships, in the sea, like mountains.

(33)If He wills, He causes the wind to cease, then they would become motionless on the back (of the sea). Verily, in this are signs for everyone patient and grateful.

(34)Or He may destroy them (by drowning) because of that which their (people) have earned. And He pardons much.

(35)And those who dispute (polytheists, etc. with Our Messenger Muhammad SAW) as regards Our Ayât (proofs, signs, verses, etc. of Islâmic Monotheism) may know that there is no place of refuge for them (from Allâh's punishment).

(36)So whatever you have been given is but a passing enjoyment for this worldly life, but that which is with Allâh (Paradise) is better and more lasting for those who believe (in the Oneness of Allâh Islâmic Monotheism) and put their trust in their Lord (concerning all of their affairs).

(37)And those who avoid the greater sins[], and Al-Fawâhish (illegal sexual intercourse, etc.), and when they are angry, they forgive[]

(38)And those who answer the Call of their Lord [i.e. to believe that He is the only One Lord (Allâh), and to worship none but Him Alone], and perform As-Salât (Iqâmat-as-Salât), and who (conduct) their affairs by mutual consultation, and who spend of what We have bestowed on them;

(39)And those who, when an oppressive wrong is done to them, they take revenge.

(40)The recompense for an evil is an evil like thereof, but whoever forgives and makes reconciliation, his reward is due from Allâh. Verily, He likes not the Zâlimûn (oppressors, polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc.).

(41)And indeed whosoever takes revenge after he has suffered wrong, for such there is no way (of blame) against them.

(42)The way (of blame) is only against those who oppress men and wrongly rebel in the earth, for such there will be a painful torment.

(43)And verily, whosoever shows patience and forgives that would truly be from the things recommended by Allâh.

(44)And whomsoever Allâh sends astray, for him there is no Walî (protector) after Him. And you will see the Zâlimûn (polytheists, wrong-doers, oppressors, etc.) when they behold the torment, they will say: "Is there any way of return (to the world)?"

(45)And you will see them brought forward to it (Hell) made humble by disgrace[] , (and) looking with stealthy glance. And those who believe will say: "Verily, the losers are they who lose themselves and their families on the Day of Resurrection. Verily, the Zâlimûn [i.e. Al-Kâfirûn (disbelievers in Allâh, in His Oneness and in His Messenger SAW , polytheists, wrong-doers, etc.)] will be in a lasting torment.

(46)And they will have no Auliyâ' (protectors) to help them other than Allâh. And he whom Allâh sends astray, for him there is no way.

(47)Answer the Call of your Lord (i.e. accept the Islâmic Monotheism, O mankind, and jinns) before there comes from Allâh a Day which cannot be averted. You will have no refuge on that Day nor there will be for you any denying (of your crimes as they are all recorded in the Book of your deeds).

(48)But if they turn away (O Muhammad SAW from the Islâmic Monotheism, which you have brought to them). We have not sent you (O Muhammad SAW) as a Hafîz (protector) over them (i.e. to take care of their deeds and to recompense them). Your duty is to convey (the Message). And verily, when We cause man to taste of Mercy from Us, he rejoices thereat, but when some ill befalls them because of the deeds which their hands have sent forth, then verily, man (becomes) ingrate!

(49)To Allâh belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. He creates what He wills. He bestows female (offspring) upon whom He wills, and bestows male (offspring) upon whom He wills.

(50)Or He bestows both males and females, and He renders barren whom He wills. Verily, He is the All-Knower and is Able to do all things.

(51). It is not given to any human being that Allâh should speak to him unless (it be) by Inspiration, or from behind a veil, or (that) He sends a Messenger to reveal what He wills by His Leave. Verily, He is Most High, Most Wise[] .

(52)And thus We have sent to you (O Muhammad SAW) Ruhan (an Inspiration, and a Mercy) of Our Command. You knew not what is the Book, nor what is Faith? But We have made it (this Qur'ân) a light wherewith We guide whosoever of Our slaves We will. And verily, you (O Muhammad SAW) are indeed guiding (mankind) to the Straight Path (i.e. Allâh's religion of Islâmic Monotheism).

(53)The Path of Allâh, to Whom belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth. Verily, all the matters at the end go to Allâh (for decision).

Tuesday, April 8, 2008




(2)A revelation from Allâh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.

(3)A Book whereof the Verses are explained in detail; A Qur'ân in Arabic for people who know.

(4)Giving glad tidings [of Paradise to the one who believes in the Oneness of Allâh (i.e. Islâmic Monotheism) and fears Allâh much (abstains from all kinds of sins and evil deeds) and loves Allâh much (performing all kinds of good deeds which He has ordained)], and warning (of punishment in the Hell Fire to the one who disbelieves in the Oneness of Allâh), but most of them turn away, so they listen not.

(5)And they say: "Our hearts are under coverings (screened) from that to which you invite us, and in our ears is deafness, and between us and you is a screen, so work you (on your way); verily, we are working (on our way)."

(6)Say (O Muhammad SAW): "I am only a human being like you. It is inspired in me that your Ilâh (God) is One Ilâh (God - Allâh), therefore take Straight Path to Him (with true Faith Islâmic Monotheism) and obedience to Him, and seek forgiveness of Him. And woe to Al-Mushrikûn (the disbelievers in the Oneness of Allâh, polytheists, idolaters, etc. - see V.2:105).

(7)Those who give not the Zakât and they are disbelievers in the Hereafter.

(8)Truly, those who believe (in the Oneness of Allâh Islâmic Monotheism, and in His Messenger Muhammad SAW) and do righteous good deeds, for them will be an endless reward that will never stop (i.e. Paradise).

(9)Say (O Muhammad SAW): "Do you verily disbelieve in Him Who created the earth in two Days and you set up rivals (in worship) with Him? That is the Lord of the 'Alamîn (mankind, jinns and all that exists).

(10)He placed therein (i.e. the earth) firm mountains from above it, and He blessed it, and measured therein its sustenance (for its dwellers) in four Days equal (i.e. all these four 'days' were equal in the length of time), for all those who ask (about its creation).

(11)Then He Istawâ (rose over) towards the heaven when it was smoke, and said to it and to the earth: "Come both of you willingly or unwillingly." They both said: "We come, willingly."

(12)Then He completed and finished from their creation (as) seven heavens in two Days and He made in each heaven its affair. And We adorned the nearest (lowest) heaven with lamps (stars)[] to be an adornment as well as to guard (from the devils by using them as missiles against the devils). Such is the Decree of Him the All-Mighty, the All-Knower.

(13)But if they turn away, then say (O Muhammad SAW): "I have warned you of a Sâ'iqah (a destructive awful cry, torment, hit, a thunderbolt) like the Sâ'iqah which overtook 'Ad and Thamûd (people)."

(14)When the Messengers came to them, from before them and behind them (saying): "Worship none but Allâh" They said: "If our Lord had so willed, He would surely have sent down the angels. So indeed! We disbelieve in that with which you have been sent."

(15)As for 'Ad, they were arrogant in the land without right, and they said: "Who is mightier than us in strength?" See they not that Allâh, Who created them was mightier in strength than them. And they used to deny Our Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, revelations, etc.)!

(16)So We sent upon them furious wind in days of evil omen (for them) that We might give them a taste of disgracing torment in this present worldly life, but surely the torment of the Hereafter will be more disgracing, and they will never be helped.

(17)And as for Thamûd, We showed and made clear to them the Path of Truth (Islâmic Monotheism) through Our Messenger, (i.e. showed them the way of success), but they preferred blindness to guidance, so the Sâ'iqah (a destructive awful cry, torment, hit, a thunderbolt) of disgracing torment seized them, because of what they used to earn.

(18)And We saved those who believed and used to fear Allâh, keep their duty to Him and avoid evil.

(19)And (remember) the Day that the enemies of Allâh will be gathered to the Fire, so they will be collected there (the first and the last).

(20)Till, when they reach it (Hell-fire), their hearing (ears) and their eyes, and their skins will testify against them as to what they used to do.

(21)And they will say to their skins, "Why do you testify against us?" They will say: "Allâh has caused us to speak, as He causes all things to speak, and He created you the first time, and to Him you are made to return."

(22)And you have not been hiding against yourselves, lest your ears, and your eyes, and your skins testify against you, but you thought that Allâh knew not much of what you were doing.

(23)And that thought of yours which you thought about your Lord, has brought you to destruction, and you have become (this Day) of those utterly lost!

(24)Then, if they have patience, yet the Fire will be a home for them, and if they beg for to be excused, yet they are not of those who will ever be excused.

(25)And We have assigned them (devils) intimate companions (in this world), who have made fair-seeming to them, what was before them (evil deeds which they were doing in the present worldly life and disbelief in the Reckoning and the Resurrection, etc.) and what was behind them (denial of the matters in the coming life of the Hereafter as regards punishment or reward, etc.). And the Word (i.e. the torment) is justified against them as it was justified against those who were among the previous generations of jinns and men that had passed away before them. Indeed they (all) were the losers.

(26)And those who disbelieve say: "Listen not to this Qur'ân, and make noise in the midst of its (recitation) that you may overcome."

(27)But surely, We shall cause those who disbelieve to taste a severe torment, and certainly, We shall requite them the worst of what they used to do.

(28)That is the recompense of the enemies of Allâh: The Fire, therein will be for them the eternal home, a (deserving) recompense for that they used to deny Our Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.).

(29)And those who disbelieve will say: "Our Lord! Show us those among jinns and men who led us astray, we shall crush them under our feet, so that they become the lowest."

(30)Verily, those who say: "Our Lord is Allâh (Alone)," and then they Istaqâmû[] , on them the angels will descend (at the time of their death) (saying): "Fear not, nor grieve! But receive the glad tidings of Paradise which you have been promised!

(31)"We have been your friends in the life of this world and are (so) in the Hereafter. Therein you shall have (all) that your inner-selves desire, and therein you shall have (all) for which you ask for.

(32)"An entertainment from (Allâh), the Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."

(33)And who is better in speech than he who [says: "My Lord is Allâh (believes in His Oneness)," and then stands straight (acts upon His Order), and] invites (men) to Allâh's (Islâmic Monotheism), and does righteous deeds, and says: "I am one of the Muslims."

(34)The good deed and the evil deed cannot be equal. Repel (the evil) with one which is better (i.e. Allâh ordered the faithful believers to be patient at the time of anger, and to excuse those who treat them badly), then verily! he, between whom and you there was enmity, (will become) as though he was a close friend.

(35)But none is granted it (the above quality) except those who are patient, and none is granted it except the owner of the great portion (of the happiness in the Hereafter i.e. Paradise and in this world of a high moral character).

(36)And if an evil whisper from Shaitân (Satan) tries to turn you away (O Muhammad SAW) (from doing good, etc.), then seek refuge in Allâh. Verily, He is the All-Hearer, the All-Knower.

(37)And from among His Signs are the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. Prostrate not to the sun nor to the moon, but prostrate to Allâh Who created them, if you (really) worship Him.

(38)But if they are too proud[] (to do so), then there are those who are with your Lord (angels) glorify Him night and day, and never are they tired.

(39)And among His Signs (in this), that you see the earth barren, but when We send down water (rain) to it, it is stirred to life and growth (of vegetations). Verily, He Who gives it life, surely, (He) is Able to give life to the dead (on the Day of Resurrection). Indeed! He is Able to do all things.

(40)Verily, those who turn away from Our Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc. by attacking, distorting and denying them), are not hidden from Us. Is he who is cast into the Fire better or he who comes secure on the Day of Resurrection? Do what you will. Verily! He is All-Seer of what you do (this is a severe threat to the disbelievers[]).

(41)Verily, those who disbelieved in the Reminder (i.e. the Qur'ân) when it came to them (shall receive the punishment). And verily, it is an honourable respected Book (because it is Allâh's Speech, and He has protected it from corruption, etc.). (See V.15:9]

(42)Falsehood cannot come to it from before it or behind it (it is) sent down by the All-Wise, Worthy of all praise (Allâh ÚÒ æ Ìá).

(43)Nothing is said to you (O Muhammad SAW) except what was said to the Messengers before you. Verily, your Lord is the Possessor of forgiveness, and (also) the Possessor of painful punishment[].

(44)And if We had sent this as a Qur'ân in a foreign language other than Arabic, they would have said: "Why are not its Verses explained in detail (in our language)? What! (A Book) not in Arabic and (the Messenger) an Arab?" Say: "It is for those who believe, a guide and a healing. And as for those who disbelieve, there is heaviness (deafness) in their ears, and it (the Qur'ân) is blindness for them. They are those who are called from a place far away (so they neither listen nor understand).

(45)And indeed We gave Mûsa (Moses) the Scripture, but dispute arose therein. And had it not been for a Word that went forth before from your Lord, (the torment would have overtaken them) and the matter would have been settled between them. But truly, they are in grave doubt thereto (i.e. about the Qur'ân). [Tafsir Al-Qurtubi, Vol. 15, Page 370]

(46)Whosoever does righteous good deed it is for (the benefit of) his ownself, and whosoever does evil, it is against his ownself, and your Lord is not at all unjust to (His) slaves[].

(47)(The learned men) refer to Him (Alone) the knowledge of the Hour[]. No fruit comes out of its sheath, nor does a female conceive (within her womb), nor brings forth (young), except by His Knowledge. And on the Day when He will call unto them (polytheists) (saying): "Where are My (so-called) partners (whom you did invent)?" They will say: "We inform You that none of us bears witness to it (that they are Your partners)!"

(48)And those whom they used to invoke before will fail them, and they will perceive that they have no place of refuge (from Allâh's punishment).[]

(49)Man (the disbeliever) does not get tired of asking good (things from Allâh), but if an evil touches him, then he gives up all hope and is lost in despair.

(50)And truly, if We give him a taste of mercy from us, after some adversity (severe poverty or disease, etc.) has touched him, he is sure to say: "This is for me (due to my merit), I think not that the Hour will be established. But if I am brought back to my Lord, Surely, there will be for me the best (wealth, etc.) with Him. Then, We verily, will show to the disbelievers what they have done and We shall make them taste a severe torment.

(51)And when We show favour to man, he withdraws and turns away, but when evil touches him, then he has recourse to long supplications.

(52)Say: "Tell me, if it (the Qur'ân) is from Allâh, and you disbelieve in it, who is more astray than one who is in opposition far away (from Allâh's Right Path and His obedience).

(53)We will show them Our Signs in the universe, and in their ownselves, until it becomes manifest to them that this (the Qur'ân) is the truth. Is it not sufficient in regard to your Lord that He is a Witness over all things?

(54)Verily! They are in doubt concerning the Meeting with their Lord? (i.e. Resurrection after their deaths, and their return to their Lord). Verily! He it is Who is surrounding all things!


(1)The Most Beneficent (Allâh)!

(2)Has taught (you mankind) the Qur'ân (by His Mercy).

(3)He created man.

(4)He taught him eloquent speech.

(5)The sun and the moon run on their fixed courses (exactly) calculated with measured out stages for each (for reckoning, etc.).

(6)And the herbs (or stars) and the trees both prostrate.

(7)And the heaven He has raised high, and He has set up the Balance.

(8)In order that you may not transgress (due) balance.

(9)And observe the weight with equity and do not make the balance deficient.

(10)And the earth He has put for the creatures.

(11)Therein are fruits, date-palms producing sheathed fruit-stalks (enclosing dates).

(12)And also corn, with (its) leaves and stalk for fodder, and sweet-scented plants.

(13)Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?

(14)He created man (Adam) from sounding clay like the clay of pottery.

(15)And the jinns did He create from a smokeless flame of fire.

(16)Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?

(17)(He is) the Lord of the two easts (places of sunrise during early summer and early winter) and the Lord of the two wests (places of sunset during early summer and early winter).

(18)Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?

(19)He has let loosed the two seas (the salt water and the sweet) meeting together.

(20)Between them is a barrier which none of them can transgress.

(21)Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?

(22)Out of them both come out pearl and coral.

(23)Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?

(24)And His are the ships going and coming in the seas, like mountains.

(25)Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?

(26)Whatsoever is on it (the earth) will perish.

(27)And the Face of your Lord full of Majesty and Honour will abide forever.

(28)Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?

(29)Whosoever is in the heavens and on earth begs of Him (its needs from Him). Every day He has a matter to bring forth (such as giving honour to some, disgrace to some, life to some, death to some, etc.)!

(30)Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?

(31)We shall attend to you, O you two classes (jinns and men)!

(32)Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?

(33)O assembly of jinns and men! If you have power to pass beyond the zones of the heavens and the earth, then pass (them)! But you will never be able to pass them, except with authority (from Allâh)!

(34)Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?

(35)There will be sent against you both, smokeless flames of fire and (molten) brass, and you will not be able to defend yourselves.

(36)Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?

(37)Then when the heaven is rent asunder, and it becomes rosy or red like red-oil, or red hide.

(38)Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?

(39)So on that Day no question will be asked of man or jinn as to his sin, (because they have already been known from their faces either white or black).

(40)Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?

(41)The Mujrimûn (polytheists, criminals, sinners, etc.) will be known by their marks (black faces), and they will be seized by their forelocks and their feet.

(42)Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?

(43)This is Hell which the Mujrimûn (polytheists, criminals, sinners, etc.) denied.

(44)They will go between it (Hell) and the boiling hot water!

(45)Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?

(46)But for him who [the true believer of Islâmic Monotheism who performs all the duties ordained by Allâh and His Messenger Muhammad SAW , and keeps away (abstain) from all kinds of sin and evil deeds prohibited in Islâm and] fears the standing before his Lord, there will be two Gardens (i.e. in Paradise).[]

(47)Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?

(48)With spreading branches;

(49)Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?

(50)In them (both) will be two springs flowing (free)

(51)Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?

(52)In them (both) will be every kind of fruit in pairs.

(53)Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?

(54)Reclining upon the couches lined with silk brocade, and the fruits of the two Gardens will be near at hand.

(55)Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?

(56)Wherein both will be those (maidens) restraining their glances upon their husbands, whom no man or jinn yatmithhunna (has opened their hymens with sexual intercourse) before them.

(57)Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?

(58)(In beauty) they are like rubies and coral.

(59)Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?

(60)Is there any reward for good other than good?

(61)Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?

(62)And besides these two, there are two other Gardens (i.e. in Paradise).

(63)Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?

(64)Dark green (in colour).

(65)Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?

(66)In them (both) will be two springs gushing forth water.

(67)Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?

(68)In them (both) will be fruits, and date- palms and pomegranates.

(69)Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?

(70)Therein (gardens) will be fair (wives) good and beautiful;

(71)Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?

(72)Houris[] (beautiful, fair females) restrained in pavilions;

(73)Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?

(74)Whom no man or jinn yatmithhunna (has opened their hymens with sexual intercourse) before them.

(75)Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?

(76)Reclining on green cushions and rich beautiful mattresses.

(77)Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinns and men) deny?

(78)Blessed be the Name of your Lord (Allâh), the Owner of Majesty and Honour.

Monday, April 7, 2008



(2)The revelation of the Book (this Qur'ân) is from Allâh the All-Mighty, the All-Knower.

(3)The Forgiver of sin, the Acceptor of repentance, the Severe in punishment, the Bestower (of favours), Lâ ilâha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He), to Him is the final return.

(4)None disputes in the Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) of Allâh but those who disbelieve. So let not their ability of going about here and there through the land (for their purposes) deceive you [O Muhammad SAW, their ultimate end will be the Fire of Hell]!

(5)The people of Nûh (Noah) and the confederates after them denied (their Messengers) before these, and every (disbelieving) nation plotted against their Messenger to seize him, and disputed by means of falsehood to refute therewith the truth. So I seized them (with punishment), and how (terrible) was My punishment!

(6)Thus has the Word of your Lord been justified against those who disbelieved, that they will be the dwellers of the Fire[].

(7)Those (angels) who bear the Throne (of Allâh) and those around it glorify the praises of their Lord, and believe in Him, and ask forgiveness for those who believe (in the Oneness of Allâh) (saying): "Our Lord! You comprehend all things in mercy and knowledge, so forgive those who repent and follow Your Way, and save them from the torment of the blazing Fire!

(8)"Our Lord! And make them enter the 'Adn (Eden) Paradise (everlasting Gardens) which you have promised them, and to the righteous among their fathers, their wives, and their offspring! Verily, You are the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.

(9)"And save them from (the punishment, because of what they did of) the sins, and whomsoever You save from (the punishment, because of what they did of) the sins (i.e. excuse them) that Day, him verily, You have taken into mercy." And that is the supreme success.

(10)Those who disbelieve will be addressed (at the time of entering into the Fire): "Allâh's aversion was greater towards you (in the worldly life when you used to reject the Faith) than your aversion towards one another (now in the Fire of Hell, as you are now enemies to one another), when you were called to the Faith but you used to refuse."

(11)They will say: "Our Lord! You have made us to die twice (i.e. we were dead in the loins of our fathers and dead after our deaths in this world), and You have given us life twice (i.e. life when we were born and life when we are Resurrected)! Now we confess our sins, then is there any way to get out (of the Fire)?"

(12)(It will be said): "This is because, when Allâh Alone was invoked (in worship, etc.) you disbelieved, but when partners were joined to Him, you believed! So the judgement is only with Allâh, the Most High, the Most Great![]"

(13)It is He, Who shows you His Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) and sends down (rain with which grows) provision for you from the sky. And none remembers but those who turn (to Allâh) in obedience and in repentance (by begging His Pardon and by worshipping and obeying Him Alone and none else).

(14)So, call you (O Muhammad SAW and the believers) upon (or invoke) Allâh making (your) worship pure for Him (Alone) (by worshipping none but Him and by doing religious deeds sincerely for Allâh's sake only and not to show-off and not to set up rivals with Him in worship). However much the disbelievers (in the Oneness of Allâh) may hate (it).

(15)(He is Allâh) Owner of High Ranks and Degrees, the Owner of the Throne. He sends the Inspiration by His Command to any of His slaves He wills, that he (the person who receives inspiration) may warn (men) of the Day of Mutual Meeting (i.e. The Day of Resurrection).

(16)The Day when they will (all) come out, nothing of them will be hidden from Allâh. Whose is the kingdom this Day? (Allâh Himself will reply to His Question): It is Allâh's the One, the Irresistible!

(17)This Day shall every person be recompensed for what he earned. No injustice (shall be done to anybody). Truly, Allâh is Swift in reckoning.

(18)And warn them (O Muhammad SAW) of the Day that is drawing near (i.e. the Day of Resurrection), when the hearts will be choking the throats, and they can neither return them (hearts) to their chests nor can they throw them out. There will be no friend, nor an intercessor for the Zâlimûn (polytheists and wrong-doers, etc.), who could be given heed to.

(19)Allâh knows the fraud of the eyes, and all that the breasts conceal.

(20)And Allâh judges with truth, while those to whom they invoke besides Him, cannot judge anything. Certainly, Allâh! He is the All-Hearer, the All-Seer.

(21)Have they not travelled in the land and seen what was the end of those who were before them? They were superior to them in strength, and in the traces (which they left) in the land. But Allâh seized them with punishment for their sins. And none had they to protect them from Allâh.

(22)That was because there came to them their Messengers with clear evidences, proofs and signs but they disbelieved (in them). So Allâh seized them with punishment. Verily, He is All-Strong, Severe in punishment.

(23)And indeed We sent Mûsa (Moses) with Our Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.), and a manifest authority,

(24)To Fir'aun (Pharaoh), Hâmân and Qârûn (Korah), but they called (him): "A sorcerer, a liar!"

(25)Then, when he brought them the Truth from Us, they said: "Kill the sons of those who believe with him and let their women live", but the plots of disbelievers are nothing but errors!

(26)Fir'aun (Pharaoh) said: "Leave me to kill Mûsa (Moses), and let him call his Lord (to stop me from killing him)! I fear that he may change your religion, or that he may cause mischief to appear in the land!"

(27)Mûsa (Moses) said: "Verily, I seek refuge in my Lord and your Lord from every arrogant who believes not in the Day of Reckoning!"

(28)And a believing man of Fir'aun's (Pharaoh) family, who hid his faith said: "Would you kill a man because he says: My Lord is Allâh, and he has come to you with clear signs (proofs) from your Lord? And if he is a liar, upon him will be (the sin of) his lie; but if he is telling the truth, then some of that (calamity) wherewith he threatens you will befall on you." Verily, Allâh guides not one who is a Musrif (a polytheist, or a murderer who shed blood without a right, or those who commit great sins, oppressor, transgressor), a liar!

(29)"O my people! Yours is the kingdom this day, you are uppermost in the land. But who will save us from the Torment of Allâh, should it befall us?" Fir'aun (Pharaoh) said: "I show you only that which I see (correct), and I guide you only to the path of right policy!"

(30)And he who believed said: "O my people! Verily, I fear for you a fate like that day (of disaster) of the Confederates (of old)!

(31)"Like the fate of the people of Nûh (Noah), and 'Ad, and Thamûd and those who came after them. And Allâh wills no injustice for (His) slaves.

(32)"And, O my people! Verily! I fear for you the Day when there will be mutual calling (between the people of Hell and of Paradise)."

(33)A Day when you will turn your backs and flee having no protector from Allâh, And whomsoever Allâh sends astray, for him there is no guide.

(34)And indeed Yûsuf (Joseph) did come to you, in times gone by, with clear signs, but you ceased not to doubt in that which he did bring to you, till when he died you said: "No Messenger will Allâh send after him." Thus Allâh leaves astray him who is a Musrif (a polytheist, oppressor, a criminal, sinner who commit great sins) and a Murtâb (one who doubts Allâh's Warning and His Oneness).

(35)Those who dispute about the Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) of Allâh, without any authority that has come to them, it is greatly hateful and disgusting to Allâh and to those who believe. Thus does Allâh seal up the heart of every arrogant, tyrant. (So they cannot guide themselves to the Right Path).

(36)And Fir'aun (Pharaoh) said: "O Hâmân! Build me a tower that I may arrive at the ways,

(37)"The ways of the heavens, and I may look upon the Ilâh (God) of Mûsa (Moses) but verily, I think him to be a liar." Thus it was made fair-seeming, in Fir'aun's (Pharaoh) eyes, the evil of his deeds, and he was hindered from the (Right) Path, and the plot of Fir'aun (Pharaoh) led to nothing but loss and destruction (for him).

(38)And the man who believed said: "O my people! Follow me, I will guide you to the way of right conduct [i.e. guide you to Allâh's religion of Islâmic Monotheism with which Mûsa (Moses) has been sent].

(39)"O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the Hereafter that is the home that will remain forever."

(40)"Whosoever does an evil deed, will not be requited except the like thereof, and whosoever does a righteous deed, whether male or female and is a true believer (in the Oneness of Allâh), such will enter Paradise, where they will be provided therein (with all things in abundance) without limit.

(41)"And O my people! How is it that I call you to salvation while you call me to the Fire!

(42)"You invite me to disbelieve in Allâh (and in His Oneness), and to join partners in worship with Him; of which I have no knowledge, and I invite you to the All-Mighty, the Oft-Forgiving!

(43)"No doubt you call me to (worship) one who cannot grant (me) my request (or respond to my invocation) in this world or in the Hereafter. And our return will be to Allâh, and Al-Musrifûn (i.e. polytheists and arrogants, those who commit great sins, the transgressors of Allâh's set limits)! They shall be the dwellers of the Fire!

(44)"And you will remember what I am telling you, and my affair I leave it to Allâh. Verily, Allâh is the All-Seer of (His) slaves."

(45)So Allâh saved him from the evils that they plotted (against him), while an evil torment encompassed Fir'aun's (Pharaoh) people.

(46)The Fire; they are exposed to it, morning and afternoon, and on the Day when the Hour will be established (it will be said to the angels): "Cause Fir'aun's (Pharaoh) people to enter the severest torment!"

(47)And, when they will dispute in the Fire, the weak will say to those who were arrogant; "Verily! We followed you, can you then take from us some portion of the Fire?"

(48)Those who were arrogant will say: "We are all (together) in this (Fire)! Verily Allâh has judged between (His) slaves!"

(49)And those in the Fire will say to the keepers (angels) of Hell: "Call upon your Lord to lighten for us the torment for a day!"

(50)They will say: "Did there not come to you, your Messengers with (clear) evidences and signs? They will say: "Yes." They will reply: "Then call (as you like)! And the invocation of the disbelievers is nothing but in error!"

(51)Verily, We will indeed make victorious Our Messengers and those who believe (in the Oneness of Allâh Islâmic Monotheism) in this world's life and on the Day when the witnesses will stand forth, (i.e. Day of Resurrection),

(52)The Day when their excuses will be of no profit to Zâlimûn (polytheists, wrong-doers and disbelievers in the Oneness of Allâh). Theirs will be the curse, and theirs will be the evil abode (i.e. painful torment in Hell-fire).

(53)And, indeed We gave Mûsa (Moses) the guidance, and We caused the Children of Israel to inherit the Scripture [i.e. the Taurât (Torah)],

(54)A guide and a reminder for men of understanding.

(55)So be patient (O Muhammad SAW). Verily, the Promise of Allâh is true, and ask forgiveness for your fault[], and glorify the praises of your Lord in the Ashi (i.e. the time period after the midnoon till sunset) and in the Ibkâr (i.e. the time period from early morning or sunrise till before midnoon) [it is said that, that means the five compulsory congregational Salât (prayers) or the 'Asr and Fajr prayers].

(56)Verily, those who dispute about the Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) of Allâh, without any authority having come to them, there is nothing else in their breasts except pride [to accept you (Muhammad SAW) as a Messenger of Allâh and to obey you][]. They will never have it (i.e. Prophethood which Allâh has bestowed upon you). So seek refuge in Allâh (O Muhammad SAW from the arrogants). Verily, it is He Who is the All-Hearer, the All-Seer.

(57)The creation of the heavens and the earth is indeed greater than the creation of mankind, yet most of mankind know not.

(58)And not equal are the blind and those who see, nor are (equal) those who believe (in the Oneness of Allâh Islâmic Monotheism), and do righteous good deeds, and those who do evil. Little do you remember!

(59)Verily, the Hour (Day of Judgement) is surely coming, therein is no doubt, yet most men believe not.

(60)And your Lord said: "Invoke Me, [i.e. believe in My Oneness (Islâmic Monotheism)] (and ask Me for anything) I will respond to your (invocation). Verily! Those who scorn My worship [i.e. do not invoke Me, and do not believe in My Oneness, (Islâmic Monotheism)] they will surely enter Hell in humiliation!"

(61)Allâh, it is He Who has made the night for you that you may rest therein and the day for you to see. Truly, Allâh is full of Bounty to mankind, yet most of mankind give no thanks.

(62)That is Allâh, your Lord, the Creator of all things, Lâ ilâha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He), where then you are turning away (from Allâh, by worshipping others instead of Him)!

(63)Thus were turned away those who used to deny the Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) of Allâh.

(64)Allâh, it is He Who has made for you the earth as a dwelling place and the sky as a canopy, and has given you shape and made your shapes good (looking) and has provided you with good things. That is Allâh, your Lord, then blessed be Allâh, the Lord of the 'Alamîn (mankind, jinns and all that exists).

(65)He is the Ever Living, Lâ ilâha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He), so invoke Him making your worship pure for Him Alone (by worshipping Him Alone, and none else, and by doing righteous deeds sincerely for Allâh's sake only, and not to show off, and not to set up rivals with Him in worship). All the praises and thanks be to Allâh, the Lord of the 'Alamîn (mankind, jinns and all that exists).

(66)Say (O Muhammad SAW): "I have been forbidden to worship those whom you worship besides Allâh, since there have come to me evidences from my Lord, and I am commanded to submit (in Islâm) to the Lord of the 'Alamîn (mankind, jinns and all that exists).

(67)He, it is Who has created you (Adam) from dust, then from a Nutfah [mixed semen drops of male and female discharge (i.e. Adam's offspring)] then from a clot (a piece of coagulated blood), then brings you forth as children, then (makes you grow) to reach the age of full strength, and afterwards to be old (men and women), though some among you die before, and that you reach an appointed term, in order that you may understand[].

(68)He it is Who gives life and causes death. And when He decides upon a thing He says to it only: "Be!" and it is.

(69)See you not those who dispute about the Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) of Allâh? How are they turning away (from the truth, i.e. Islâmic Monotheism to the falsehood of polytheism)?

(70)Those who deny the Book (this Qur'ân), and that with which We sent Our Messengers (i.e. to worship none but Allâh Alone sincerely, and to reject all false deities and to confess resurrection after the death for recompense) they will come to know (when they will be cast into the Fire of Hell).

(71)When iron collars will be rounded over their necks, and the chains, they shall be dragged along[].

(72)In the boiling water, then they will be burned in the Fire[].

(73)Then it will be said to them: "Where are (all) those whom you used to join in worship as partners[]

(74)"Besides Allâh" They will say: "They have vanished from us: Nay, we did not invoke (worship) anything before." Thus Allâh leads astray the disbelievers.[]

(75)That was because you had been exulting in the earth without any right (by worshipping others instead of Allâh and by committing crimes), and that you used to rejoice extremely (in your error).

(76)Enter the gates of Hell to abide therein, and (indeed) what an evil abode of the arrogant!

(77)So be patient (O Muhammad SAW), verily, the Promise of Allâh is true, and whether We show you (O Muhammad SAW in this world) some part of what We have promised them, or We cause you to die, then it is to Us they all shall be returned.

(78)And, indeed We have sent Messengers before you (O Muhammad SAW); of some of them We have related to you their story[] and of some We have not related to you their story, and it was not given to any Messenger that he should bring a sign except by the Leave of Allâh. So, when comes the Commandment of Allâh, the matter will be decided with truth, and the followers of falsehood will then be lost.

(79)Allâh, it is He Who has made cattle for you, that you may ride on some of them and of some you eat.

(80)And you have (many other) benefits from them, and that you may reach by their means a desire that is in your breasts (i.e. carry your goods, loads, etc.), and on them and on ships you are carried.

(81)And He shows you His Signs and Proofs (of His Oneness in all the above mentioned things). Which, then of the Signs and Proofs of Allâh do you deny?

(82)Have they not travelled through the earth and seen what was the end of those before them? They were more numerous than them and mightier in strength, and in the traces (they have left behind them) in the land, yet all that they used to earn availed them not.

(83)Then when their Messengers came to them with clear proofs, they were glad (and proud) with that which they had of the knowledge (of worldly things): And that at which they used to mock, surrounded them (i.e. the punishment).

(84)So when they saw Our punishment, they said: "We believe in Allâh Alone and reject (all) that we used to associate with Him as (His) partners.

(85)Then their Faith (in Islâmic Monotheism) could not avail them when they saw Our punishment. (Like) this has been the way of Allâh in dealing with His slaves. And there the disbelievers lost utterly (when Our Torment covered them).

Sunday, April 6, 2008


(1)The revelation of this Book (the Qur'ân) is from Allâh, the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.

(2)Verily, We have sent down the Book to you (O Muhammad SAW) in truth: So worship Allâh (Alone) by doing religious deeds sincerely for Allâh's sake only, (and not to show-off, and not to set up rivals with Him in worship).

(3)Surely, the religion (i.e. the worship and the obedience) is for Allâh only. And those who take Auliyâ' (protectors and helpers) besides Him (say): "We worship them only that they may bring us near to Allâh." Verily, Allâh will judge between them concerning that wherein they differ. Truly, Allâh guides not him who is a liar, and a disbeliever.

(4)Had Allâh willed to take a son (or offspring or children), He could have chosen whom He pleased out of those whom He created. But glory be to Him! (He is above such things). He is Allâh, the One, the Irresistible[].

(5)He has created the heavens and the earth with truth. He makes the night to go in the day and makes the day to go in the night. And He has subjected the sun and the moon. Each running (on a fixed course) for an appointed term. Verily, He is the All-Mighty, the Oft-Forgiving.

(6)He created you (all) from a single person (Adam); then made from him his wife [Hawwa' (Eve)]. And He has sent down for you of cattle eight pairs (of the sheep, two, male and female; of the goats, two, male and female; of the oxen, two, male and female; and of the camels, two, male and female). He creates you in the wombs of your mothers, creation after creation in three veils of darkness, such is Allâh your Lord. His is the kingdom, Lâ ilâha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He). How then are you turned away?

(7)If you disbelieve, then verily, Allâh is not in need of you, He likes not disbelief for His slaves. And if you are grateful (by being believers), He is pleased therewith for you. No bearer of burdens shall bear the burden of another. Then to your Lord is your return, so He will inform you what you used to do. Verily, He is the All-Knower of that which is in (men's) breasts.

(8)And when some hurt touches man, he cries to his Lord (Allâh Alone), turning to Him in repentance, but when He bestows a favour upon him from Himself, he forgets that for which he cried for before, and he sets up rivals to Allâh, in order to mislead others from His Path. Say: "Take pleasure in your disbelief for a while: surely, you are (one) of the dwellers of the Fire!"

(9)Is one who is obedient to Allâh, prostrating himself or standing (in prayer) during the hours of the night, fearing the Hereafter and hoping for the Mercy of his Lord (like one who disbelieves)? Say: "Are those who know equal to those who know not?" It is only men of understanding who will remember (i.e. get a lesson from Allâh's Signs and Verses).

(10)Say (O Muhammad SAW): "O My slaves who believe (in the Oneness of Allâh Islâmic Monotheism), be afraid of your Lord (Allâh) and keep your duty to Him. Good is (the reward) for those who do good in this world, and Allâh's earth is spacious (so if you cannot worship Allâh at a place, then go to another)! Only those who are patient shall receive their rewards in full, without reckoning.[]"

(11)Say (O Muhammad SAW): "Verily, I am commanded to worship Allâh (Alone) by obeying Him and doing religious deeds sincerely for Allâh's sake only and not to show off, and not to set up rivals with Him in worship;

(12)"And I am commanded (this) in order that I may be the first of those who submit themselves to Allâh (in Islâm) as Muslims."

(13)Say (O Muhammad SAW): "Verily, if I disobey my Lord, I am afraid of the torment of a great Day."

(14)Say (O Muhammad SAW) "Allâh Alone I worship by doing religious deeds sincerely for His sake only and not to show-off, and not to set up rivals with Him in worship."

(15)So worship what you like besides Him. Say (O Muhammad SAW): "The losers are those who will lose themselves and their families on the Day of Resurrection. Verily, that will be a manifest loss!"

(16)They shall have coverings of Fire, above them and covering (of Fire) beneath them; with this Allâh does frighten His slaves: "O My slaves, therefore fear Me!"

(17)Those who avoid At-Tâghût[] (false deities) by not worshipping them and turn to Allâh in repentance, for them are glad tidings; so announce the good news to My slaves,

(18)Those who listen to the Word [good advice Lâ ilâha ill-Allâh (none has the right to be worshipped but Allâh) and Islâmic Monotheism, etc.] and follow the best thereof (i.e. worship Allâh Alone, repent to Him and avoid Tâghût, etc.) those are (the ones) whom Allâh has guided and those are men of understanding (like Zaid bin 'Amr bin Nufail[], Salmân Al-Fârisi and Abû Dhar Al-Ghifârî). [Tafsir Al-Qurtubi, Vol. 12, P. 244]

(19)Is, then one against whom the Word of punishment justified (equal to the one who avoids evil). Will you (O Muhammad SAW) rescue him who is in the Fire?

(20)But those who fear Allâh and keep their duty to their Lord (Allâh), for them are built lofty rooms; one above another under which rivers flow (i.e. Paradise). (This is) the Promise of Allâh: and Allâh does not fail in (His) Promise.

(21)See you not, that Allâh sends down water (rain) from the sky, and causes it to penetrate the earth, (and then makes it to spring up) as water-springs and afterward thereby produces crops of different colours, and afterward they wither and you see them turn yellow, then He makes them dry and broken pieces. Verily, in this, is a Reminder for men of understanding.

(22)Is he whose breast Allâh has opened to Islâm, so that he is in light from His Lord (as he who is non-Muslim)? So, woe to those whose hearts are hardened against remembrance of Allâh! They are in plain error!

(23)Allâh has sent down the best statement, a Book (this Qur'ân), its parts resembling each other in goodness and truth, oft-repeated. The skins of those who fear their Lord shiver from it (when they recite it or hear it). Then their skin and their heart soften to the remembrance of Allâh. That is the guidance of Allâh. He Guides therewith whom He pleases and whomever Allâh sends astray, for him there is no guide.

(24)Is he then, who will confront with his face the awful torment on the Day of Resurrection (as he who enters peacefully in Paradise)? And it will be said to the Zâlimûn (polytheists and wrong-doers, etc.): "Taste what you used to earn!"

(25)Those before them belied, and so the torment came on them from directions they perceived not.

(26)So Allâh made them to taste the disgrace in the present life, but greater is the torment of the Hereafter if they only knew!

(27)And indeed We have put forth for men, in this Qur'ân every kind of similitude in order that they may remember.

(28)An Arabic Qur'ân, without any crookedness (therein) in order that they may avoid all evil which Allâh has ordered them to avoid, fear Him and keep their duty to Him.

(29)Allâh puts forth a similitude: a (slave) man belonging to many partners (like those who worship others along with Allâh) disputing with one another, and a (slave) man belonging entirely to one master, (like those who worship Allâh Alone). Are those two equal in comparison? All the praises and thanks be to Allâh! But most of them know not.

(30)Verily, you (O Muhammad SAW) will die and verily, they (too) will die.

(31)Then, on the Day of Resurrection, you will be disputing before your Lord.

(32)Then, who does more wrong than one who utters a lie against Allâh, and denies the truth [this Qur'ân, the Prophet (Muhammad SAW), the Islâmic Monotheism, the Resurrection and the reward or punishment according to good or evil deeds] when it comes to him! Is there not in Hell an abode for the disbelievers?

(33)And he (Muhammad SAW) who has brought the truth (this Qur'ân and Islâmic Monotheism) and (those who) believed therein (i.e. the true believers of Islâmic Monotheism), those are Al- Muttaqûn (the pious and righteous persons - see V.2:2).

(34)They shall have all that they will desire with their Lord. That is the reward of Muhsinûn (good-doers - see V.2:112).

(35)So that Allâh may remit from them the evil of what they did and give them the reward, according to the best of what they used to do[].

(36)Is not Allâh Sufficient for His slave? Yet they try to frighten you with those (whom they worship) besides Him! And whom Allâh sends astray, for him there will be no guide.

(37)And whomsoever Allâh guides, for him there will be no misleader. Is not Allâh All-Mighty, Possessor of Retribution?

(38)And verily, if you ask them: "Who created the heavens and the earth?" Surely, they will say: "Allâh (has created them)." Say: "Tell me then, the things that you invoke besides Allâh, if Allâh intended some harm for me, could they remove His harm, or if He (Allâh) intended some mercy for me, could they withhold His Mercy?" Say : "Sufficient for me is Allâh; in Him those who trust (i.e. believers) must put their trust[]."

(39)Say: (O Muhammad SAW) "O My people! Work according to your way, I am working (according to my way). Then you will come to know,

(40)"To whom comes a disgracing torment, and on whom descends an everlasting torment."

(41)Verily, We have sent down to you (O Muhammad SAW) the Book (this Qur'ân) for mankind in truth. So whosoever accepts the guidance, it is only for his ownself, and whosoever goes astray, he goes astray only for his (own) loss. And you (O Muhammad SAW) are not a Wakîl (trustee or disposer of affairs, or keeper) over them[].

(42)It is Allâh Who takes away the souls at the time of their death, and those that die not during their sleep. He keeps those (souls) for which He has ordained death and sends the rest for a term appointed. Verily, in this are signs for a people who think deeply.

(43)Have they taken others as intercessors besides Allâh? Say: "Even if they have power over nothing whatever and have no intelligence?"

(44)Say: "To Allâh belongs all intercession. His is the Sovereignty of the heavens and the earth, then to Him you shall be brought back."

(45)And when Allâh Alone is mentioned, the hearts of those who believe not in the Hereafter are filled with disgust (from the Oneness of Allâh (<><>) and when those (whom they obey or worship) besides Him [like all false deities other than Allâh, it may be a Messenger like 'Iesa (Jesus) son of Maryam (Mary), 'Uzair (Ezra), an angel, a pious man, a jinn, or any other creature even idols, graves of religious people, saints, priests, monks, etc.] are mentioned, behold, they rejoice![]

(46)Say (O Muhammad SAW): "O Allâh! Creator of the heavens and the earth! All-Knower of the Ghaib (unseen) and the seen. You will judge between your slaves about that wherein they used to differ."

(47)And those who did wrong (the polytheists and disbelievers in the Oneness of Allâh), if they had all that is in earth and therewith as much again, they verily, would offer it to ransom themselves therewith on the Day of Resurrection from the evil torment, and there will become apparent to them from Allâh, what they had not been reckoning[].

(48)And the evils of that which they earned will become apparent to them, and they will be encircled by that which they used to mock at!

(49)When harm touches man, he calls to Us (for help), then when We have (rescued him from that harm and) changed it into a favour from Us, he says: "Only because of knowledge (that I possess) I obtained it." Nay, it is only a trial, but most of them know not!

(50)Verily, those before them said it, yet (all) that they had earned availed them not.

(51)So, the evil results of that which they earned overtook them. And those who did wrong of these [people to whom you (Muhammad SAW) have been sent], will also be overtaken by the evil results (torment) for that which they earned, and they will never be able to escape[].

(52)Do they not know that Allâh enlarges the provision for whom He wills, and straitens it (for whom He wills). Verily, in this are signs for the folk who believe!

(53)Say: "O 'Ibâdî (My slaves) who have transgressed against themselves (by committing evil deeds and sins)! Despair not of the Mercy of Allâh, verily Allâh forgives all sins. Truly, He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful[].

(54)"And turn in repentance and in obedience with true Faith (Islâmic Monotheism) to your Lord and submit to Him, (in Islâm), before the torment comes upon you, then you will not be helped.

(55)"And follow the best of that which is sent down to you from your Lord (i.e. this Qur'ân, do what it orders you to do and keep away from what it forbids), before the torment comes on you suddenly while you perceive not!"

(56)Lest a person should say: "Alas, my grief that I was undutiful to Allâh (i.e. I have not done what Allâh has ordered me to do), and I was indeed among those who mocked [at the truth! i.e. Lâ ilâha ill-Allâh (none has the right to be worshipped but Allâh), the Qur'ân, and Muhammad SAW and at the faithful believers, etc.]

(57)Or (lest) he should say: "If only Allâh had guided me, I should indeed have been among the Muttaqûn (pious and righteous persons - see V.2:2)."

(58)Or (lest) he should say when he sees the torment: "If only I had another chance (to return to the world) then I should indeed be among the Muhsinûn (good-doers - see V.2:112)."

(59)Yes! Verily, there came to you My Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) and you denied them, and were proud and were among the disbelievers.

(60)And on the Day of Resurrection you will see those who lied against Allâh (i.e. attributed to Him sons, partners, etc.) their faces will be black. Is there not in Hell an abode for the arrogant ones?

(61)And Allâh will deliver those who are the Muttaqûn (pious - see V.2:2) to their places of success (Paradise). Evil shall touch them not, nor shall they grieve.

(62)Allâh is the Creator of all things, and He is the Wakîl (Trustee, Disposer of affairs, Guardian, etc.) over all things.

(63)To Him belong the keys of the heavens and the earth. And those who disbelieve in the Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, signs, revelations, etc.) of Allâh, such are they who will be the losers.

(64)Say (O Muhammad SAW to the polytheists, etc.): "Do you order me to worship other than Allâh O you fools ?"

(65)And indeed it has been revealed to you (O Muhammad SAW), as it was to those (Allâh's Messengers) before you: "If you join others in worship with Allâh, (then) surely (all) your deeds will be in vain, and you will certainly be among the losers[]."

(66)Nay! But worship Allâh (Alone and none else), and be among the grateful.

(67)They made not a just estimate of Allâh such as is due to Him. And on the Day of Resurrection the whole of the earth will be grasped by His Hand[] and the heavens will be rolled up in His Right Hand. Glorified is He, and High is He above all that they associate as partners with Him!

(68)And the Trumpet will be blown, and all who are in the heavens and all who are on the earth will swoon away, except him whom Allâh will. Then it will blown a second time and behold, they will be standing, looking on (waiting)[].

(69)And the earth will shine with the light of its Lord (Allâh, when He will come to judge among men) and the Book will be placed (open) and the Prophets and the witnesses will be brought forward, and it will be judged between them with truth, and they will not be wronged.

(70)And each person will be paid in full of what he did; and He is Best Aware of what they do.

(71)And those who disbelieved will be driven to Hell in groups, till, when they reach it, the gates thereof will be opened (suddenly like a prison at the arrival of the prisoners). And its keepers will say, "Did not the Messengers come to you from yourselves, reciting to you the Verses of your Lord, and warning you of the Meeting of this Day of yours?" They will say: "Yes, but the Word of torment has been justified against the disbelievers![]"

(72)It will be said (to them): "Enter you the gates of Hell, to abide therein. And (indeed) what an evil abode of the arrogant!"

(73)And those who kept their duty to their Lord will be led to Paradise in groups, till, when they reach it, and its gates will be opened (before their arrival for their reception) and its keepers will say: Salâmun 'Alaikum (peace be upon you)! You have done well, so enter here to abide therein."

(74)And they will say: "All the praises and thanks be to Allâh Who has fulfilled His Promise to us and has made us inherit (this) land. We can dwell in Paradise where we will; how excellent a reward for the (pious good) workers!"

(75)And you will see the angels surrounding the Throne (of Allâh) from all round, glorifying the praises of their Lord (Allâh). And they (all the creatures) will be judged with truth, and it will be said. All the praises and thanks be to Allâh, the Lord of the 'Alamîn (mankind, jinns and all that exists)."